Kenton Electronics, based in London, is celebrating its 30th anniversary. That producer of CV- and MIDI-kits for vintage analog synths and supplier for MIDI-CV interfaces (well, MIDI-interfaces of all kinds) has earned a high reputation. In addition, Kenton offers heaps of useful MIDI-controllers and MIDI-boxes …
We’d like to spotlight the vast MIDI kits of the big synth-classics Yamaha CS-80/CS-60/CS-50 as well as of the polyphonic legends PS-3300/PS-3200/PS-3100.
The interfaces aren’t exactly cheap, we admit, but neither are the vintage instruments themselves a bargain. And with MIDI, their musical flexibility increases decidedly.
No matter whether it’s the Roland Juno-60 (MIDI), the cute SH-101 (VCF IN) …
… or the Korg 770 (CV/Gate/VCF IN) that you’re planning to upgrade – those modifications are certainly worth their money.
Which is why we sincerely congratulate Kenton to its anniversary and thank them for so valuably enhancing the synth landscape with their imposing arsenal of MIDI-kits, CV-upgrades and MIDI-CV-/ MIDI-DCB-interfaces. Good job!