is an online magazine with reviews, interviews, documents, photos and soundfiles of analogue and digital synthesizers & related music gear. Our aim is to provide an archive of synthesizer reviews and audiofiles to which everyone has access, to exchange experiences and form networks. But at the end it is all about making music!

Author und Founder
Theo Bloderer
Synthesizer-enthusiast and musician, lives in Austria.
Email: theo”at”greatsynthesizers”dot”com
Other Authors
Peter M. Mahr
Co-founder and author until February 2013.
Curt Nolte
Synthesizer and programming expert, lives in Germany.
Javier Zubizarreta
Synthesizer and programming expert, lives in Argentina.
Larry Poulton
Sound researcher und synthesizer-lover, lives in England.
Marko Ettlich
Runs the RetroSound – Vintage Synthesizer Channel (YouTube), lives in Germany.
Hans Bertschler
Live keyboarder and great synthesizer technician, lives in Austria.
Ares Kalogeropoulos
Composer, producer and photographer, lives in Greece.
Stefan Herr
Synthesizer expert (speciality: FM), keyboarder and guitarist, lives in Germany.