Groove Synthesis Advanced Wavetable Synthesizer 3rd Wave

Ok, ok … there is a 3rd generation Wave already available from Waldorf (software), but here’s the new one, the American PPG – a real hardware synthesizer.

Since the 3rd Wave has now received its CE certification, all customers inside or outside of the United States can pre-order to reserve an instrument from the second limited-run of synths at sales(at)groovesynthesis(dot)com. Price is 3895 USD.

The 3rd Wave is a 24-voice, 4-part multi-timbral wavetable synth with 3 oscillators per voice, analog low-pass filters, a state-variable filter, 6-stage wave envelopes per oscillator, and an industry-first Wavemaker™ tool that allows users to create custom wavetables in a single step through its proprietary sample-to-wave technology. Each of its three oscillators can generate a classic PPG-era wavetable, a modern high-resolution wavetable, or an analog modeled waveform.

3rd Wave boasts a Dave Rossum-designed 2140 analog low-pass filter with variable saturation and resonance compensation, and a second, SEM-style state-variable filter (low-pass, high-pass, notch, and band-pass) for additional tone-sculpting. Both can be used in series for harmonically complex textures.

In addition to its factory wavetables (32 classic PPG-lineage waves plus 48 high-resolution custom waves), users can create custom wavetables of their own using the built-in Wavemaker tool and fill any of the 64 available high-resolution slots. The Wavemaker tool’s sample-to-wavetable capability allows users to connect an audio source to the synthesizer’s rear-panel audio input and generate a 64-wave wavetable at the touch of a button. Alternatively, users can import a 96kHZ wav file into the synth using USB.

With 24-voices, the 3rd Wave can handle note-intensive performances as well as layer up to 4 parts or create 4 independent split zoneseach with a completely different sound, sequence, and dual effect. Each part has independent panning, volume, effects, and a dedicated stereo physical output. Each of its 3 wavetable oscillators per part/voice has its own 6-stage, loopable wave envelope, which can create evolving soundscapes of extreme complexity.

Its pattern-based sequencer can sequence notes, songs, and parameters. Because the synth is multi-timbral, each of its 4 parts/layers has its own sequencer track. Sequences can be up to 24 patterns of up to 32 measures in length. Users can perform in real-time on the keyboard while a sequence or song plays. Users can also perform looped overdubbing of notes or parameter changes to build complex patterns interactively.

The rest of the 3rd Wave’s sound-shaping tools include two digital effects per part, four ADSR envelopes (filter, amp, and two auxiliary) per part, four LFOs per part, and a 28-slot mod matrix per part. The synth is housed in a robust, all-metal chassis with a premium 5-octave, semi-weighted Fatar keyboard.


Let’s have a look at the Wavemaker – the “included Waveterm”, so to say.

3rd Wave – The Wavemaker:

Further info:

Filed under 2022, General, Stories

“Es genügt, einen Ton schön zu spielen” sagte der Komponist Arvo Pärt im Jahre 2005. Diese Aussage ist ebenso einfach wie ich auch exzellent: Es braucht kein Meer an Tönen, denn entscheidend ist der Klang. Dass so mancher Vintage-Synthesizer der 70er und 80er Jahre teils unerreicht hochwertige Klänge liefert, steht außer Frage. Doch tatsächlich leben wir “heute” in einer nahezu perfekten Zeit. Einerseits hat man – mehr oder weniger – noch Zugriff auf die Vintage Analogen, andererseits wird auch bei Neugeräten die wichtige Komponente des hochwertigen Klanges wieder zunehmend berücksichtigt. Doepfer, Cwejman,, MacBeth, Moog, GRP, Studio Electronics, COTK, John Bowen und andere Hersteller bauen hervorragende Synthesizer, die den “Klassikern” in nichts nachstehen. All diesen (alten wie neuen) “großartigen” Instrumenten ist Great Synthesizers gewidmet. _________________________________________________________ In 2005 composer Arvo Pärt said: “Playing one tone really well is enough”. In other words, it is sufficient to play one tone 'beautifully'. I agree with that. All musical efforts are focused on the sound itself. Although I studied classical music (piano and drums), it’s the electronic sound that inspires me. Synthesizers are the epitome of new sounds and exciting tonal spheres. Today, many companies produce high-quality - excellent! - synthesizers: Doepfer, Cwejman, MacBeth, Moog, GRP,, COTK, Studio Electronics, John Bowen and others. It's their products I'm really interested in ... apart from Vintage Synthesizers, which I have been collecting for 20 years. Subsequent to our former websites Bluesynths and Blogasys, Peter Mahr and I have now created GreatSynthesizers. We hope you like it.

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