Ok, ok … there is a 3rd generation Wave already available from Waldorf (software), but here’s the new one, the American PPG – a real hardware synthesizer.
Since the 3rd Wave has now received its CE certification, all customers inside or outside of the United States can pre-order to reserve an instrument from the second limited-run of synths at sales(at)groovesynthesis(dot)com. Price is 3895 USD.
The 3rd Wave is a 24-voice, 4-part multi-timbral wavetable synth with 3 oscillators per voice, analog low-pass filters, a state-variable filter, 6-stage wave envelopes per oscillator, and an industry-first Wavemaker™ tool that allows users to create custom wavetables in a single step through its proprietary sample-to-wave technology. Each of its three oscillators can generate a classic PPG-era wavetable, a modern high-resolution wavetable, or an analog modeled waveform.
3rd Wave boasts a Dave Rossum-designed 2140 analog low-pass filter with variable saturation and resonance compensation, and a second, SEM-style state-variable filter (low-pass, high-pass, notch, and band-pass) for additional tone-sculpting. Both can be used in series for harmonically complex textures.
In addition to its factory wavetables (32 classic PPG-lineage waves plus 48 high-resolution custom waves), users can create custom wavetables of their own using the built-in Wavemaker tool and fill any of the 64 available high-resolution slots. The Wavemaker tool’s sample-to-wavetable capability allows users to connect an audio source to the synthesizer’s rear-panel audio input and generate a 64-wave wavetable at the touch of a button. Alternatively, users can import a 96kHZ wav file into the synth using USB.
With 24-voices, the 3rd Wave can handle note-intensive performances as well as layer up to 4 parts or create 4 independent split zones — each with a completely different sound, sequence, and dual effect. Each part has independent panning, volume, effects, and a dedicated stereo physical output. Each of its 3 wavetable oscillators per part/voice has its own 6-stage, loopable wave envelope, which can create evolving soundscapes of extreme complexity.
Its pattern-based sequencer can sequence notes, songs, and parameters. Because the synth is multi-timbral, each of its 4 parts/layers has its own sequencer track. Sequences can be up to 24 patterns of up to 32 measures in length. Users can perform in real-time on the keyboard while a sequence or song plays. Users can also perform looped overdubbing of notes or parameter changes to build complex patterns interactively.
The rest of the 3rd Wave’s sound-shaping tools include two digital effects per part, four ADSR envelopes (filter, amp, and two auxiliary) per part, four LFOs per part, and a 28-slot mod matrix per part. The synth is housed in a robust, all-metal chassis with a premium 5-octave, semi-weighted Fatar keyboard.
(Source: www.groovesynthesis.com)
Let’s have a look at the Wavemaker – the “included Waveterm”, so to say.
3rd Wave – The Wavemaker:
Further info: www.groovesynthesis.com