New Sequential Prophet-5/10 – return of a legend?

Pretty cool: Sequential has released a 2020 version of its legendary Prophet-5 / Prophet-10 synthesizer. That powerful, analog goodness (as Sequential calls it) is housed in a full, five-octave, semi-weighted Fatar keyboard with USB, MIDI, Gate and CV INs/OUTs, and a premium-quality, steel and hand-oiled, sustainable black walnut heartwood body, making the instrument as satisfying to behold as it is (hopefully) to hear and play.

We see the new Prophet-10 as THE smash hit. Its ancestor, the original single-manual ten-voice Prophet, was only available for a few weeks in 1978, before uncontrollable internal heat development and tuning problems forced Dave Smith to recall all double-voice-board ten-voice-models and to focus on the single-voice-board five-voice model, henceforth known as Prophet-5. Gone was the (single-manual) Prophet-10, but now it’s back again.

Anyway, whether you choose the new Prophet-5 or the new Prophet-10 of today: Those synthesizers are much more than a simple Reissue of the original Prophet …

“The new Prophet-5 is Dave Smith’s timely return to the analog poly synth that changed the world. It’s “the best of all Prophet-5’s” as Dave puts it, because it embodies all three revisions of the legendary synth — Rev1, Rev2, and Rev3 — through the use …

… of genuine Curtis analog VCOs and filters (as in the Rev3) as well as new 2140 low-pass filters designed by Dave Rossum, like the 2040 filters he designed in the original Rev1 and Rev2. A Rev switch lets you choose between the two filter designs.”


Begging the question, of course, of whether the new Prophet-5 / Prophet-10 entirely replaces the “old” Prophet-5 (or even outstrips it? … as indicated by Dave Smith himself). Well, the answer depends on your own perspective …

We claim the vintage Prophet-5 will remain unmatched for … hm, probably forever. Up to now, it seems that a complete substitute of those vintage synthesizers from the 70s / 80s is impossible. Whether SEM, Minimoog, Memorymoog, ARP 2600, ARP Odyssey, SH-101, etc: No replica matches the original in terms of warmth, punchiness and overall (vintage) sound quality. So, the original remains the original.

On the other hand: A modern construction – whether SSM / CEM chips or not – remains a modern construction. Note the open Prophet-5 (clearly visible in the attached video) – the almost empty interior is no surprise, of course … there’s the adapted voiceboard (with SMD technology, we guess) and the modern power supply, resulting in a different, modern instrument as opposed to that original machine from 1978.

Still, the sound of the new Prophet-5 / Prophet-10 promises to be decent, pleasant, powerful (close to the actual character of the original Prophet-5 synthesizer).

To compensate for the – let’s say – “missing 10% (20%?) towards the mightiness, liveliness and power of the original sound”, the new Prophet-5 / Prophet-10 offers heaps of additional features: a Fatar keyboard with velocity / aftertouch, MIDI, USB, those two (alternatively selectable) filter designs, and other extras.

An acceptable compromise, some musicians might say. A real upgrade, others will add. However, another bonus is price: At 3,600 Euros (Prophet-5) and 4,400 Euros (Prophet-10), both synthesizers can be had for well below the price level of an original vintage Prophet-5.

Well done, Sequential. Well done, Mr. Smith!

Sequential Prophet-5 / Prophet-10

Analog synthesizer with 5 / 10 voices,
MIDI, USB and velocity / aftertouch

Sequential Prophet-5
Price: 3,600 Euros

Sequential Prophet-10
Price: 4,400 Euros

Website Manufacturer:

Sequential Prophet-5 – Milestone and Musical Legend
(Review of the original Prophet-5)


Filed under 2020, General, Stories

“Es genügt, einen Ton schön zu spielen” sagte der Komponist Arvo Pärt im Jahre 2005. Diese Aussage ist ebenso einfach wie ich auch exzellent: Es braucht kein Meer an Tönen, denn entscheidend ist der Klang. Dass so mancher Vintage-Synthesizer der 70er und 80er Jahre teils unerreicht hochwertige Klänge liefert, steht außer Frage. Doch tatsächlich leben wir “heute” in einer nahezu perfekten Zeit. Einerseits hat man – mehr oder weniger – noch Zugriff auf die Vintage Analogen, andererseits wird auch bei Neugeräten die wichtige Komponente des hochwertigen Klanges wieder zunehmend berücksichtigt. Doepfer, Cwejman,, MacBeth, Moog, GRP, Studio Electronics, COTK, John Bowen und andere Hersteller bauen hervorragende Synthesizer, die den “Klassikern” in nichts nachstehen. All diesen (alten wie neuen) “großartigen” Instrumenten ist Great Synthesizers gewidmet. _________________________________________________________ In 2005 composer Arvo Pärt said: “Playing one tone really well is enough”. In other words, it is sufficient to play one tone 'beautifully'. I agree with that. All musical efforts are focused on the sound itself. Although I studied classical music (piano and drums), it’s the electronic sound that inspires me. Synthesizers are the epitome of new sounds and exciting tonal spheres. Today, many companies produce high-quality - excellent! - synthesizers: Doepfer, Cwejman, MacBeth, Moog, GRP,, COTK, Studio Electronics, John Bowen and others. It's their products I'm really interested in ... apart from Vintage Synthesizers, which I have been collecting for 20 years. Subsequent to our former websites Bluesynths and Blogasys, Peter Mahr and I have now created GreatSynthesizers. We hope you like it.

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