After presenting the new Stereoping hardware controllers we take a closer look at the K3 programmer and its operation. First, the Kawai K3 must be set to “SysEx Receiving” mode > master menu parameter 44 / value 5 (with the Korg DW-8000 this would be parameter 82 / value 2). Well, that’s it! Now the K3 reacts to every knob you tweak …
Connect an external sequencer / computer to the programmer’s MIDI IN port for additional tweaking support. Data is merged and sent directly to the K3.
The programmer contains a 3-level operating system (red – green – yellow level). Volume, Cutoff, Reso(nance) and VCF ENV are independently accessible (top row).
When recording the attached K3 sound examples, we noticed how much easier it is to create interesting, complex tracks with the programmer.
Admittedly, this can be done with any software tool as well. However, we prefer real knobs. 16 knobs and 3 (illuminated) buttons is what you get here …
The following audio-files give you an idea how a real-time controlled K3 can sound.