To be honest: we’re a littlebit proud. Quite a few German companies were honored with the Sonicstate NAMM Award 2018. Companies such as Doepfer, Radikal Technologies or Waldorf. A glorious end of a glorious mega-event!
“[…] another NAMM is over, this one was the biggest one we’ve been to, the sheer physical size of it with the addition of two extra halls keeping the team on their toes – quite literally.” (
Dieter Doepfer received his award for the new A-100 Polyphonic Modules:
Jörg Schaaf was praised and honored for his DELTA CEP A:
And Waldorf won – not unexpectedly – with its Quantum synthesizer:
Congratulations to all winners! And congratulations to the organizers and to all exhibitors of NAMM 2018.