Definitely worth a mention: Türkiye goes Eurorack! VAEMI (Volt Age Electronic Musical Instruments) was found in 2020 in Istanbul. Now the company presents its first module: OSI-OP. This analog oscillator features thru-zero FM and exponential FM.
In addition, OSI-OP features PWM, a waveshaper and it has its own square-wave sub-oscillator. The module can be operated in audio- as well as as an in LFO-mode. OSI-OP costs 270 USD / 265 Euros.
“From a first impression, it may look like an oscillator that is appropriate for subtractive synthesis; however, we actually designed it to be used for additive synthesis. Thanks to Thru Zero FM, this oscillator can regard oscillators with Sine Wave as analog operators. You can even prepare your synthesizer patch without using the classic subtractive resonant filter.”
Listen to OSI-OP …
Exponential FM:
Thru-Zero FM:
Waveshape (WS) Out combinations:
Basic VCO waveforms (simple tonal loop):
Further info: