John Bowen Solaris synthesizer: production round #5 is now open for reservations. This production run of 50 units will start in July, once the graphic display shipment arrives. When you make a deposit, make sure you tell John if you would like a black or white front panel. There is also the option to have blue LED wheels (clear wheels versus the standard dark wheels).
See John Bowen’s website for detailled info.
Storing back-ups and organizing Solaris’ soundfiles is extremely simple, since your entire Solaris contents are on a Compact Flash card.
Many people asked for the soundfiles we used in our demos. So, here they are! Our Solaris sounds are located in Bank 0. Download the zip-file and copy “Presets Bank 0” in your own Solaris CF card – that’s it.
GreatSynthesizers Solaris soundfiles: Bank 0
- Sound 63 – 69: String/Pad sounds (69: is brilliant, we must say)
- Sound 70 – 79: Wavetable sounds
- Sound 80 – 84: Arpeggio sounds
- Sound 90 – 96: Sweeps/LFO/Phaser sounds
- Sound 100 – 102: String sounds
Download GreatSynthesizer Solaris Sounds (zip File)
PS: please save your own sounds before overwriting them!