Knifonium – Tube Synthesizer

Knifonium – Tube Synthesizer made in Finland


Knifonium - Tube Synthesizer

Five pieces of the first batch are already sold. Delivery will most likely be in May/June of next year. Another piece of the Knifonium is available (price = € 9.000.-, excl VAT). Probably there will be another batch produded, price per unit for the second batch might be increased.

Knifonium - Röhren- Synthesizer

Knifonium - Tube Synthesizer

Currently their website is under construction. However, if you want to follow them, their Knifonium Facebook site might be helpful.

Knifonium Tubes

Knifonium - Tubes

Filed under 2012, General

Es muss Mitte der 70er Jahre gewesen sein, als ich das erste Mal “Switched on Bach” von Walter/Wendy Carlos gehört habe. Seitdem haben Elektronische Musik und Synthesizer nichts an Faszination und Vielfalt in ihren Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten für mich verloren. Der Haptik wegen und wohl auch bedingt durch meine Wurzeln, gebe ich nach wie vor Hardware den Vorzug, selbst wenn die Qualität so mancher Plug-Ins mittlerweile beeindruckend ist. Die Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre haben eine neue Generation an Klangschaffenden und Musikern hervorgebracht, die wie es scheint nun wiederum der Faszination der alten analogen Instrumente erliegen. Genau in diesem Spannungsfeld soll sich der Inhalt unseres Magazins wieder finden. ________________________________________________________ It must have been the middle of the 70′s when I first heard “Switched on Bach” by Walter/Wendy Carlos. Since then, electronic music and synthesizers have lost none of their fascination and variety in their means of expression for me. Because of the tangibility of it and probably also due to my roots, I still prefer hardware, even if the quality of some plug-ins is now impressive. The developments of recent years have spawned a new generation of sound professionals and musicians, who seem to again succumb to the fascination of old analog instruments. It is precisely in this area of tension that the content of our magazine can be found.