The Schmidt: a noble, hand-made 8-voice machine with a staggering number of knobs and switches – the Laborghini of analog synths. 25 Schmidt units were built. Now those have all been sold, so there’ll be 25 more. The cherry on the cake: some Schmidts are being built all in white. A colour turnaround, so to speak. Looks fantastic.
Stefan Schmidt has come up with a new firmware, Version 1.20. New features: LED colour options. The colours of the LEDs can be changed. Meaning, certain colours can be assigned to certain sounds. Which lets you organize your patches, your presets, etc. according to whichever colours you choose.
Another new feature: polyphonic aftertouch (MIDI receive only, not via the Schmidt keyboard itself, but that’s ok).
In the following video, Hansi Enzensperger and his band “Organ Explosion” put the Schmidt Synthesizer to the acid test. Great music! And Axel Fischer tells us some interesting details about the Schmidt (“… oscillator 4 is a really special fellow …”):
Open / Download:
- Schmidt Synthesizer White Front (2250x1375px)
- Schmidt Synthesizer White Side (2250x1375px)
- Schmidt Synthesizer White Back (2250x1375px)
Pictures (c) Axel Fischer
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