SUPERBOOTH24 – Synth Expo Berlin (Part 1)

250 exhibitors and 50 artists & performers

… could be seen this year on four stages at the Leisure and Recreation Center (FEZ) in Köpenick. 7,500 paying visitors and 250 journalists attended. As always, the main focus of the show was of course the modular scene (from Buchla, Döpfer, Verbos, TipTop, Vermona, Eowave, IO Instruments to ZLOB Modular) alongside hardware synthesizers, including Korg, Yamaha, Sequential, Novation, Oberheim, Moog, Waldorf, Arturia, Soma, UDO and Clavia.

Groovebox manufacturers such as Elektron and Jomox were also there and, of course, the classic clone accessories from DinSync (always in endless use in the Acid Booth at the SB) were not missing. Two industry giants practiced restraint in recent years and were not represented this time either: Roland and Behringer. Perhaps the Superbooth is just too alternative after all. The current products of the two brands in particular are not without controversy in the scene.

Synthesizers, Modulars and Outboard

In addition to the pure sound producers and their accessories (cases, covers, knobs, housings…), more and more suppliers of pure studio and recording equipment are also coming to the Superbooth: Zoom, Warm Audio and also high-end manufacturers such as Gyraf, Zähl, Bettermaker, Heritage Audio. Many software companies were also among the exhibitors: Ableton, Reason Studios, Native Instruments, Bitwig. The SB is therefore increasingly becoming a veritable music trade fair.

The GREEN Fair

The trade fair concept born out of the coronavirus emergency has become a tradition. In order to be able to handle the hygiene requirements more easily, around half of the exhibitors at the first Antivirus Booth were accommodated outdoors in tents and mini bungalows.

Those effectiveists, who prefer to have everything close together under one roof, have grumbled and complained that it borders on urban sprawl, but the majority of the visitors have grown to love this concept and no longer want to do without it. They appreciate the long walks to the storage sites. Soak up the sun, let your LED-stressed eyes wander into the greenery and take a deep breath!

It takes a good fifteen minutes to walk from the main FEZ exhibition building to the shady bungalow village. The Tent City and Tent Forest are much closer, but even there it takes a few minutes in the fresh air. The route to the tent city was even longer this time, as the shortcut to the left past the lake stage had to be closed – the reason: toad protection!

Outdoors, the genre-specific booming and humming is naturally limited. This is easy on the ears and nerves. Yes, this is what it could feel like when the green deal becomes an urban reality …

Gyros for 10 Euros

But even paradise has its downsides. You had to pay 10 euros for the vegan gyros before it was pressed into your hand. Beer and coffee were not quite as expensive, but the time you had to queue for them was not measured in minutes, but in quarters of an hour. Pricing and supply chains should definitely be reconsidered for Superbooth 25, according to the organizers.

Continue with Part 2 …

Filed under 2024, General, Stories

Lesindes ist einer der großen Synthesizer-Experten und Klangkünstler unserer Zeit. Er lebt in Berlin, im Schnittpunkt der elektronischen Musikszene ... _________________________________________________________ Lesindes is one of the great synthesizer experts and sound artists of our time. He lives in Berlin, in the heart of the (German) electronic music scene, so to speak ...

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