Studio Electronics introduced for models of its new BOOMSTAR all analog, monophonic Synthesizer.
The main difference between the four different models is the filter. Currently one can choose between the following:
- 4075-classic Arp 2600
- 5089-classic Moog 24db ladder
- SEM-classic Oberheim 12db
- 303-classic Roland TB
The CS-80 Filter, which can be added to the company’s Omega and C.O.D.E. synthesizers, is currently not availble.
MSRP: $799.00
Hello, I’m a new follower, and I’ve been so pleased to see a blog of such quality about synths…
You also reviewed the two synthesizers I wanted to read about lately : the ACCELERATOR and the Solaris, meaning you couldn’t satisfy my thirst for new and niche products in any better way.
I’m just typing here to encourage you to provide more links in your articles, for example, here, to the constructor page. I know I could just Google it and find it myself, but it would be increase the coolness of your already cool blog.
I might suggest, too, to enable continuous play of the demo files on the synth review pages, if it’s easily made, that would be great.
I don’t mean to annoy you at all with my comments, and hope they will be useful to you.
PS : How am I supposed to choose any of these with this much choice of analog synths ? Haha…
Hi Emile,
thank you for the kind words.
Actually a good point. We will add the links in the future.
Regarding the mp3 player – the files usually play continuously. I just checked it with Safari and Firefox. Please let me know if it still does not work.
ps: :-)