Well, this instrument is an unusual synthesizer. Waldorf’s Rocket will become a subject of hot debate. Just how clever is its concept? And how much of a classic sound does it have?
The Rocket is certainly unique. Unusual and controversal. Its tasty design (hello, Axel Hartmann) is very attractive. Big knobs – it’s a joy to use. 8 oscillators (alright, they’re digital) guarantee for fat sounds. The multimode VCF with BOOST function seems a perfect addition. Arpeggiator? We love it! Now, where’s the attack time … uuuh … and isn’t there any volume knob? Aaaah …
Anway, here are a few impressions of the Waldorf Rocket. Visually and acoustically. We attached 15 minutes (ok, it’s 12 minutes) of Rocket Music … Enjoy.
The full Waldorf Rocket review can be found here.