Vocoders are a rare species. Although their musical possibilities can be exciting and sonic results may be far beyond what can be realized with an analog synthesizer, vocoders remain something of a niche. GRP takes on that niche and now opens its booking list / preorder list for the new GRP V22 Vocoder …
The most crucial question “How much does the V22 cost?” can be answered immediately: 3,277 Euros + VAT, which makes up about 4,000 Euros in total. No bargain. But a vocoder is a laborious instrument: 22 filters with 48dB slope each – plus many, many extras. Lots of hardware (outside and inside).
Therefore, the GRP V22 is an instrument for specialists, for experimental musicians, for those doing in-depth sound research. For those who prefer something “new” (a vocoder!) over the twentieth analog synthesizer in their studio. A vocoder that can also be used as a 22-way fixed filter bank.
GRP V22 Vocoder
22-Band Vocoder / Fixed Filter Bank
Price: 3.277 Euros + VAT
Further info / preordering at:
Email info@grpsynthesizer.it